Canuti, pasta makers since 1950
Fresh frozen pasta for the foodservice
Discover all our lines, with our gourmet recipes and our products of the best Italian tradition

Gourmet recipes and a lot of filling
A fine extra-rough pasta, soft fillings, gourmet recipes and large formats with a hand-crafted look

Products of the best Italian tradition
A wide range with short, long, filled pasta, gnocchi and delicatessen products
A history of over sixty years
The passion and quality of those who produce pasta since 1950
The history of Canuti Tradizione Italiana is one of those genuinely Italian stories that show the love for one's roots, the passion for fresh pasta and the taste for innovation.
Le ricette di Canuti
Preparate dai nostri chef e pensate per i professionisti della cucina
Facili da preparare, con ingredienti semplici e facilmente reperibili e con una preparazione descritta passo per passo.